In the unpromising unforgiving sky
puffs of distant high vapours
at once native and alien like
inspectors of worth and value
that breeze out without remark
far below these hopeless shrouds
are human heads, covered and bare
but no gaze rises with expectation
seeking the dark laden armada
the merciless sun shines, making it impossible to hide
heads bowed, held in hands plainly
gaze firmly fixed on the earth
blaming it for being so stupid
to need rain, to need clouds
those vagabonds of no fixed address
of no fidelity or virtue
the labours of the blamers
done in by truant beneficience
the canals that were dug
with hope aided by science
now serve only to flood homes
with furrowed brows and plain despair
in this land hope lies fallow and like a signal of the end
from the eye to the cheek
the only descent of moisture bends
First posted Jan 2011